No surgery or procedure can be carried out without anaesthesia. Full fledged and well equipped, modern anaesthesia equipment & ventilators are the salient features of the Anaesthesiology department of Tellicherry Co-operative Hospital.Multiparameter monitors, Latest Boyle’s anaesthesia machines with isoflurane and iseroflurane vapouriser, Syringe infusion pumps for intraoperative & post operative administration of epidural anaesthesia and post operative analgesia, intra venous infusion pumps for correctly monitoring I.V fluid administration.Five, roof mounted shadowless and cool OT light fitted operation theatres with electrically operated and radiolucent OT tables separate for orthopaedics, urology, general surgery, gynaecology, ENT, neurosurgery.Central venous pressure monitoring system Centralized gas supply to OTs and ICUs Actively involved in the care of all critically ill patients.
The incidence of diabetes is rising day by day. This is mainly attributed to unhealthy diet, lifestyle, lack of exercise and stress. By the year 2025, one out of five persons in the world who is diagnosed as diabetic would be an Indian. Apart from this menustral disorders, infertility and hormonal dysfunctions are seen to rise sharply in the Indian population. In this scenario Endocrinology & Diabetology is gaining recognition.
General Surgery
TCH is distinguished by the services of highly qualified senior consultant surgeons.They are well supported by the resident doctors to take care of patients requiring any surgical intervention. The services of general surgeons are also available round the clock to attend any emergencies.
General surgeons take care of procedures like elective surgeries including abdominal, thyroid, breast, salivary glands and varicose veins, emergency surgeries.
Gynaecology & Obstetrics
The TCH department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology addresses the needs of women from their teen years, through pregnancy to menopause and beyond. With qualified specialists, specially trained nurses and the latest equipments to deal with high-- risk pregnancies. This department is a referral centre for hospitals across North malabar.
The Nephrology Department provides comprehensive health care for patients with different types of kidney diseases. Acute and chronic renal diseases and renal problems due to diabetes mellitus, hypertension, stone disease, infections, hereditary illnesses and poisons are diagnosed and managed.
The Department of Neurology provides care to patients with diseases of the brain, spinal cord, peripheral nervous system and muscle- related diseases.
All operations on the brain, spinal column, spinal cord and the nerves are being conducted as a matter of routine. Operations for brain tumor, brain hemorrhage, head injury, hydrocephalus, epilepsy etc. are carried out regularly. Specialized operations like Stereotactic surgery, Pituitary operations, Epilepsy surgery, Skull base operations, Cranio vertebral junction operations etc. are all carried out by skilled surgeons highly specialized in different parts of neurosurgery.
All operations on the spine like Disc prolapse, Sciatica, Cervical spondylosis, Lumbar spondylosis, spinal injury, spinal instrumentation, spinal stabilization, spinal cord tumors etc. are regularly performed.
The Department of Neurology provides care to patients with diseases of the brain, spinal cord, peripheral nervous system and muscle- related diseases.
All operations on the brain, spinal column, spinal cord and the nerves are being conducted as a matter of routine. Operations for brain tumor, brain hemorrhage, head injury, hydrocephalus, epilepsy etc. are carried out regularly. Specialized operations like Stereotactic surgery, Pituitary operations, Epilepsy surgery, Skull base operations, Cranio vertebral junction operations etc. are all carried out by skilled surgeons highly specialized in different parts of neurosurgery.
All operations on the spine like Disc prolapse, Sciatica, Cervical spondylosis, Lumbar spondylosis, spinal injury, spinal instrumentation, spinal stabilization, spinal cord tumors etc. are regularly performed.
Orthopaedics is concerned with condition involving the musculo skeletal system. The orthopaedic unit of TCH is a preferred referral centre for hospitals in and around Malabar region. It is equipped with latest techniques and modern equipment to meet all types of orthopaedic emergencies. Tellicherry co-operative hospital provides both surgical and non surgical means to treat musculo skeletal trauma, sports injury, degenerative diseases, infectons, tumors and congenital conditions.
The Neonatal and Paediatric Department of TCH takes care of both preventive and curative aspects of children's health. The Department attracts patients from all over north malabar area not just because of its unparalleled medical services but also owing to its child-friendly approach and caring staff. It provides an ambience to put children and families at ease and is ably supported by paediatric surgeon to deal with any neonatal and paediatric surgical emergencies that may occur.
Plastic Surgery
Plastic surgery is used to reduce scarring or disfigurement that may occur as a result of accidents, birth defects such as cleft lip, cleft palate etc or treatment for diseases; in which doctors surgically restore, reconstruct, correct or improve the shape and appearance of body structures that are defective.
The plastic surgery department of Tellichery co-operative hospital has been functioning for the past 1 year. Both reconstructive and cosmetic surgeries are being done here at affordable cost. Along with orthopaedic department, wound management and primary skin cover in compound fracture are being done in this hospital. Hand injuries and hand surgeries are a specialty of this department.
Psychiarty is a medical speciality dealing with assessment, diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation and prevention of mental illness. Treatment employ’s variety of therapeutic modalities including medication, psychotherapy etc. The psychiatry department of TCH provides Comprehensive services in assessment, diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation and prevention of all acute & chronic emotional & mental disorders occurring in people of all life span.
Radiology is a branch of medicine dealing with application of imaging technology like X ray, Ultra Sound Scanning, C.T, MRI and radiation to diagnose and treat diseases. This department has a vital role to play in diagnostic modality. Tellicherry co-operative hospital has well equipped XRay, USG, CT, MRI departments; which is helping in quick and accurate diagnostic work as well a therapeutic interventional procedures.
The Urology departments deals with diagnosis, treatment, and management of patients with urological disorders. The organs covered by urology include the kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder, urethra, and the male reproductive organs (testes, epididymis, vas deferens, seminal vesicles, prostate and penis). Urology combines management of medical (i.e. non-surgical) problems such as urinary infections, urinary incontinence and surgical problems such as the correction of congenital abnormalities and the surgical management of cancers.
Vascular Surgery
Tellicherry co-operative hospital has been providing healing touch to the patients suffering from various peripheral vascular diseases like, varicose vein ( bulging of superficial veins), Peripheral vascular diseases are the diseases that effect the blood vessels outside the heart and brain caused due to narrowing of vessels that carry blood to the legs, arms, stomach or kidneys. There are two types of these circulation disorders:
Functional peripheral vascular diseases involve defects in blood vessels ; structure and can be triggered by cold temperatures, emotional stress, working with vibrating machinery or smoking.
Organic peripheral vascular diseases are caused by structural changes in the blood vessels, such as inflammation and tissue damage. caused by fatty buildups in arteries that block normal blood flow.