1987, marks the beginning of a new chapter in the development of medical scenario in Kerala. This eventful year has witnessed the commencement of the Tellichery Co- operative hospital which has been transformed as the unsurpassed hospital occupies a prominent place among medical institutions in Kerala as a vital, diverse, inter- denominational community with 250 beds, 6 ICUs, 3 CCUs and over 20 specialty departments. TCH affirms a shared commitment of healing the total person in the pursuit of professional excellence, in the care of those who are disadvantaged, disabled and marginalized. Right from inception, we have been extending our healing touch of health-care all over Malabar region. Our growth came at a fast pace by carefully preserving the twin ideas that have been the corner stones of this institution – Share and Care. While we shared our growth with our investors who grew with us, our care reached even the poorest of the poor and richest of the rich. They all came flocking because of the hospital’s reputation as the best and the most efficient in the area. Our commitment to take the hospital to new heights got a shot in the arm in 2004 when we were awarded the ISO 9001:2000 Certificate for “Providing Preventive and Curative Health-care Service”. We have always tried to bring the latest in medical science to the suffering in Malabar and the new honour will prompt us to work even harder in this direction. The most important attribute which has enabled us to scale these heights is the dedication, commitment and passion towards perfect service which have been exhibited by the quality work force that we maintain. TCH constantly strive towards excellence through Patient-Centered Service, Quality Care, Innovation, Co-operation, Diversity, Cutting-edge technology, Specialist expertise and integrity. Our vision is to bring national and international recognition and acceptance to TCH through optimum resource management, team of experts and able deployment of technology and knowledge in the service of mankind.